Information on using the 56002 EVM for ham packet radio use

Disclaimer: I just moved, and so did these pages. These are unchanged from over a year ago, but the info still is good. The EVM is an excellent way to go for a highly useable, but inexpensive packet radio DSP device. TAPE is coming out with interface boards and a case kit to package one of these things up nicely. I intend to hound some of the group for new info on new modems, etc. Will keep these up to date as possible.

Fred M. Spinner, (ex-KA9VAW) W0FMS May 22, 1998

Welcome... I got my EVM 56K to roll recently, and I feel that it is one on the most wonderful ham radio toys I own. Therefore, hopefully I'm doing service to the amateur radio community to document a few things about this unit and the Alef Null/TAPR project with this unit in general.

Page Navigation: Introduction, Ham Radio Modems, EVM 56002 interface info, 56002 Ham Radio web page links, Software package/info links, Picture of 56002 EVM.

Notice: Any software you can load from this site will be copyrighted by Alef Null, TAPR or Motorola. I only will put links to the Motorola site for the Motorola software as I'm uncertain about copyright issues from them. I will mirror TAPR's site here. Anything originally from TAPR's site was "originally downloaded from and" and can only be used for non-commercial use without the permission of the respective authors.

Disclaimer #2: I'm a newbie at this. Some information therefore might be mis-information. I'll do my best. This page is *BETA* for now.


The Motorola 56002 EVM is intended to be a unit to evaluate the power of the Motorola 56K DSP architecture. However, due to the foresight of the engineers at Motorola, it has ample power to be used as a Multimode KISS TNC for amateur radio use.

Motorola DSP division web Page:

The unit has software to use it as the following modems as of 3/2/97:

Standard modems:                             N1OWU Package name:

   1200 BPS AFSK                                FSK1200.ASM
   1200 BPS PSK/Manchester encoded FM           PSK.ASM
   9600 BPS G3RUH Direct FM                     G3RUH.ASM
   1200 BPS UO-11 (Bell 202 generic)            UO11.ASM
   ~=30 BPS "SLOWBPSK" modem                    SLOWBPSK.ASM
   Not-quite complete ACARS decoder             ACARS.ASM
   Not-quite complete POCSAG modem              POCSAG.ASM
   "New" QBPSK modem (SP9VRC) for HF            NEWQBPSK.ASM
   APT modems for Weather Sats (JVFAX)          APT.ASM
   HF Wefax modem (SP9VRC fskiface)             WEFAX.ASM


   Osilloscope for SPY program                  SCOP9600.ASM
   Feed thru program                            FEEDTHRU.ASM
   Adjustible bw audio filter                   RTCOEFF.ASM
   Noise/tone reducer (OH2LNS)                  QRMQRN.ASM

There are also other utilities and audio filters, etc. available in other
packages (like the KC7WW package) and a plethora of other goodies as
well!  :)  And I'm sure there is more to come :)

This software is available from TAPR (please see KC4EBR's starter page for download instructions). I'll probably mirror it here in the near future.

The TAPR DSP sites are as follows:

Main TAPR home page:
TAPR DSP info page:
TAPR EVM56K page:
KC7WW package (somewhat outdated pages, I recommend the N1OWU package instead):

Alef Null/DSP Card 4 links:

Index on TAPR site:
DSP Card 4 home page:

The Motorola 56002 EVM:

The unit comes with a DOS and/or Windows Debugger from Domain Technologies, Inc. an Assembler, Linker and conversion utilities, and sample test code. It also comes with data for the 56K, the CODEC, the manual for the debugger, and some info on how to get the board to run.

To use this board as a TNC, the SCI HOST port has to be enabled: This consists of soldering on a female right-angle DB9 connector to the EVM board and adding four jumpers. A Amtel FLASH EEPROM is also a very handy and useful addition to the EVM for packet use. A 40-pin socket for the 29C256 device has to be soldered to the EVM to take advantage of the Flash BOOT option. Also a radio interface has to be constructed as well. I'll add links as soon as I compile this information.

This unit is available through any Motorola distributor for a list price of $149. I'll try to get a list of distributors up here in the near future

The Female DB9, the 40-pin socket, 16-pin IDC cable connectors, the EEPROM are all available in the US from JDR Microdevices - Please note this is the only place I am aware of that supplies NEW (not surplus) 29C256's in the US. This is NOT an endorsement. IMHO, however, service has always been very good for me by JDR. JDR's part number for the FLASH is "29C256-12PC" Cost: $12.95

In Europe, Boris DJ0EX/SM0GJ has had good luck obtaining the device from Segor Electronics in Berlin, Germany. Their URL: Boris claims that they deliver fast.

Links to other information about the TAPR/Alef Null EVM56K DSP project:

All information is based on the N1OWU software package, as of right now. It appears to be the most complete package to date. 3/2/97

KC4EBR's Beginners Guide

This file, gives basic instructions how to get what you need to get the EVM running out-of-the-box and to test it with the KISS mode 1200 Baud AFSK modem. Written by Mark L. Hammond, KC4EBR -- HTMLized and some commentary by Fred M. Spinner, W0FMS.

N1OWU's package documentation

This is an "HTMLized" version of the "README" file that comes with the "EVMCODE" portion of the N1OWU EVM software package. Writted by Doug, N1OWU, HTMLized by W0FMS

W0FMS's short EEPROM programming instructions

This file is a short guide of how to get your EVM to boot up with the code you choose. This is a great convienience rather than having to load the Leonid BIOS and Modem every time. Uses the N1OWU package.

Some info on radio interfaces...

The best interface schematic I have yet seen is KC7WW's in his 'C' programming interface package. This page for now will tell you how to get this schematic. There is a debate, however, about using the ULN2803 to interface the radio lines! I have adapted Johann's interface to only use the ULN2803 for the LED lines, and have expanded it to include it's own 7805 regulator, and have four additional LED's for Radio 2. Will try to get a schematic drawn up soon.

Here is a picture of the EVM circuit board as supplied:

Photo credit: TAPR, Greg Jones WD5IVD

Updated 18 March 97 FMS ( W0FMS)